Photo courtesy Morgan Promnitz
How It Works...

Riptide Rendezvous is a surf-fishing tournament, for both fly- and regular tackle (spinning, bait casting) fishermen.
Riptide Rendezvous is strictly catch-and-release, with scoring based on the length of the fish caught.
There are two divisions: "Fly Fishing" and "Regular Tackle". Anglers compete against other anglers in their division
For each Division, there are awards for:
The largest fish caught and released in these categories:
- Surf Perch (all types)
- Corbina
- Croaker (Spotfin and Yellowfin)
- Halibut
- Shark or Ray
- Striped Bass
Highest Daily Score (HDS) : The most total inches of fish caught in any one day (all allowed species combined)
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
In addition, all contestants automatically receive one free ticket to the fundraising raffle.
Fishing runs for approximately a month (in 2023, fishing ran from May 27, 2023 thru June 23, 2023). Anglers are allowed to fish from shore in any legal area from the northern border of Santa Barbara county to the Mexican border.
This is possible thru the use of the iAngler Tournament smartphone app. All contestants are required to use this app to submit catches
At the end of competition, contestants gather at a central location for the awards ceremony. In 2023, the ceremony was held at the Long Beach Casting Club, 5201 E. 7th St., Long Beach, CA 90804.
All net proceeds go to the Southwest Council of Fly Fishers International and Coastal Conservation Association California to help fund conservation and outreach programs.
Membership in the CCA, FFI or an affiliated club is NOT required to participate! But if you're so inclined, click on one of these links to find out more and join either the Fly Fishers International or Coastal Conservation Association California.
Need more details? See the full set of Riptide Rendezvous Rules by clicking HERE.